Sunday, June 15, 2008

German and current adjustments

It occurs to me that I "talked" about German, but didn't give a context.

That context is the beginnings of a Ph.D. program in Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. I have to pass this class in order to move to the next class, theological German 1. So please pray with me, that God would be gracious and merciful, that He would allow me to remember all of the words I need to remember, as well as the grammar.

The other thing is that my laptop doesn't seem to like the wireless signal or router, or something in the house where I'm staying for the summer. For some reason, it's not allowing the signal to come completely through. This is very frustrating, as without having the convenience of being able to get online up in my monk's cell when it's convenient makes me feel even more cut off from everything and everyone. So please pray for that to somehow, miraculously even, be resolved before much more time goes by.

Well, don't know when I'll get to post again, but keep the faith, and if you don't have any, let me know, and I'll pray He finds you where you are and gives you some, at least the size of a mustard seed. God bless.

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