Thursday, January 01, 2009

a New year

looking back at the stretch of time over the last several months of 2008, and looking ahead into at least the first several months of 2009 should mark some of the biggest amount of change my family as a whole has ever experienced. we spent New Year's Eve "homeless" as we are in transition between the selling of our home in one state and moving to a rental townhouse in a completely different state. the kids will start new schools. my wife will look for a new job. and I will start the second full semester of my studies. there are many new changes and experiences in store for us in this new year. all very exciting. and we pray that all that happens, all we set out to do, will all be to God's glory - may He be glorified in our lives.

I hope 2009 will be a wonderful year for you and yours, too. God's many blessings be yours.