Thursday, September 06, 2007

praising God!!!

Okay, I wanted to share with you that I just finished getting my second thesis proposal accepted. This is a great weight off my shoulders, to say the least. God is good. Now I am free to proceed on my research and writing for both mini-theses. These are the last and final parts to my finishing and receiving my Masters of Theological Study in Contemporary Theology. I am very excited. Both of the professors who are my main readers are great and very supportive. The reader for my second thesis, Dr. Adelekan, whom I met with this afternoon, told me he was very excited to see what he would learn from my work. I need someone like who believes in me, or more accurately, believes in what God wants to do through me. In any event, I praise God for this. Now, join me in praying through this semester for the good Lord to provide me with all discipline, insight, knowledge, wisdom, and discernment in getting both of these theses finished, finished well, by early December. Amen!