Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Testament Greek

Today was day #2 of Palmer Theological Seminary's Jan Term intensive of Intro. to NT Greek. It was a good day. I'm the T.A. for Professor Debbie Watson. My job: make copies of quizes, collect and grade quizes, lead the class through new vocabulary, and be available after class to help tutor and go over the day's material.

This is my January. And I like it this way. I enjoy teaching. I enjoy helping others understand and learn. The beauty of learning NT Greek is that it helps us understand a little better the original intent and ideas through the words contained on the pages. One of the benefits is that it will help me learn NT Greek a little better. I want to learn more and more. I want to be able to utilize this tool, to root my theological work within the biblical text, to let Scripture be the foundation of my work.

Today was day #2 of Intro. to NT Greek. It was a good day.