Saturday, May 31, 2008

one week and counting

one week from today I'll be on the road to Chicago to truly begin the first leg of this new part of the journey. where has the time flown? I'll be gone for most of the summer. separated from my wife and kids for several weeks at a time. kind of crazy. don't know how it will flow or work. But I'm doing because I think this is what God wants me to do. my family, many friends, my church and pastor, and all of my professors have encouraged me in this. could they be wrong? only a couple of friends have told me they think the idea of me leaving my family behind is a terrible one. one thinks it's wrong because of leaving my wife behind. the other thinks it wrong because my kids need me; and he himself struggles with going away from his kids for a weekend retreat.

but what do you really think, O Lord? have Sarah and I heard you correctly? are we stepping out in faith or in folly?

what I do know is that we are seeking to step out in faith, in joyful obedience. this is not about my ego, or some pipe dream. we believe that in my going for this, we are following God faithfully. we trust God. we trust Him with our lives; we trust Him with our kids; we trust Him with our future.

we believe God is worthy. we believe God is as good as He says He is.