Sunday, August 26, 2007

Satan vs. Sin

A friend of mine [we'll call him 'A'] sent out an email yesterday sharing the frustrating experience of another friend [we'll call - yes, you figured it out - 'B'], whereby a tree 'B' was seeking to take down in his back yard ended up coming down on his house. This, coupled with family struggles, both immediate and extended, led to 'A's seeing this as the latest attack of many by Satan on 'B' and his family.

This brings up an interesting, and I think important series of questions: Are we assigning too much credit to Satan? When should we just chalk up what happens in life to people(s)' own sinfulness (or to natural phenomenon)? Is there a danger in crediting Satan with certain activities and events? Is there danger in just blaming something on someone's sinful nature? And perhaps the most controversial question in the series, If God is sovereign, what is God trying to accomplish when He allows such things (that we might blame on Satan) to happen?

What do you think? Please feel free to share... I'm going away on vacation for a few days, so I won't be checking in for a bit, but let's hear your opinions and thoughts - extra points to those who can back them up with good and accurate Scriptural support.

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