Friday, September 01, 2006

intro to U.S. Latin@ theologies

Met earlier this afternoon with my newest professor for an independent study on an introduction to U.S. Latina/o theologies. It's me and one other fellow meeting with the professora to be introduced to a variety of Latina and Latino theological voices. What it all entails, I'm not quite sure. But it's exposure to a new and different voice at the theological table, and that's important. One rather provincial person quizically noted to me, "why would you want to take that?" The answer is relatively simple: I want to be a theologian [actually we all are; most of us are just sloppily irresponsible about it], and a good theologian (I think) tries to see and/or listen to everyone who is seated at the table of the kingdom.

All that's to say that it's going to be a lot of work - the professora is no push over - but I think it will also be good and stimulating - she has a pleasant personality.

So, once more unto the breach...

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