Monday, February 07, 2005

Mi Familia

My family is a wonderful, living testimony to just how good God really is. I consider the "evolution" of my family, from the time I was born til today. It's pretty amazing that out of my parent's divorcing when I was four, living with my grandparents until I was about 12, and my mom getting remarried to Jabba the Hutt, not to mention all the other details that go with all of that, that I can sit here and say that today, I have a great family. Praise God, I say, because it wasn't possible without Him. I look back on where my family was twenty years ago, and it was dismal. It was out of that heartache, dysfunction, and just plain old pain that I considered killing myself. It was in the midst of all of that crap that I realized that God was real, and that Jesus Christ died for my sins, and my reconciliation and restoration with God. Now, becoming a Christian didn't solve all of life's problems. It didn't end the pain. But God's reaching out to and saving me did change my direction, my focus, and my life. And so almost 20 years later I'm married (almost 11 years!!! :) to Sarah, and we've got three wonderful kids, and it's very good. Not normal. But very good!!! God is good. All the time.

1 comment:

David+ said...

I remember you from 20 years ago. Praise God for what He has done in molding you into the man you are today!

David Bailey

PS - Looked at the picture - you were a LOT skinnier 20 years ago!