Friday, June 13, 2008


I left German class feeling pretty beat yesterday. I didn't do a blessed thing to do with German for the rest of the afternoon or evening. I "slept in" this morning, read my devotions, prayed, and then went over to school to tackle the German with a new perspective. I went through the article endings (definite and indefinite), verb endings (weak, strong, mixed, and irr. strong), copied all the verbs from the past 11 chapters, and then started on the nouns before I had to call it quits for the day (I found out the library closes at 5 pm on Fridays - at least during the summer).

But I praise God for refreshing me, and giving me some good momentum today. Now, I pray that this would continue tonight as well as tomorrow, and that I would be well prepared for Monday's midterm.

If you think of it, please pray that I would do really well on Monday. Thanks.