Tuesday, August 02, 2005

what does it mean to be 'The Body of Christ'?

I've been a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ in the making, for over twenty years. Over that time, I've met more people than I can count, some who are fellow disciples, as well as many who would never identify themselves with Christianity. A good number have had some interesting things to say about both the Church, and the body of Christ.

Here are some questions to consider:

1) How would you define 'the Church'?

2) Would you use a different definition for 'the Body of Christ'? If so, why?

3) Why do Christians need the Church?

4) Can a person be a Christian, that is, be saved in the name of Jesus Christ, apart from being a part of the Church?

5) Need one regularly attend and participate in the life of a church in order to truly be saved? Why? Why not?

If you have any thoughts or opinions on these matters, please consider taking some time to thoughtfully respond. I have my thoughts, and in time, I'll share what I think the theologically correct answer is. It could be that you will share it before I get the chance. But don't worry, I'll chime in my six cents! All to the glory of the Triune God!!!