My brother, Josh, his wife, Erin, and their two daughters, Kaitlyn and Emma drove in Friday night to stay with us. My friend, Mike drove down from New Hampshire, where he and his family had just mo
ved last month, and he stayed with us as well. A number of friends from church came to cheer me on, as well as the youngest of my wife's older brothers and his wife. More of her family would have come, but my mother-in-law fell seriously ill last Thursday, and so my father-in-law begged off, as did another of my brothers-in-law. My mom came as well.
Held at Enon Tabernacle East in Philadelphia, I gathered with some forty-plus of my fellow seniors, and a couple score certificate and diploma earners, and almost a dozen or so DMin recipients. We were treated to a wonderful message from World Baptist Alliance president, David Coffey.
His theme, being biblical Christians in a secular world, was incredible and encouraging.
At two-and-one-half hours long, it got taxing at the last half-hour, but I had a vested interest to keep attentive. As the Senior class president, I was given the opportunity to give the closing prayer. There were two good things about it - it was completely God-centered and holistic, and it was only two plus minutes long (which was important considering we were all exhausted). But it was great fun, and a powerful experience. One of the highlights was after coming down from the dias, I was greeted by my six year old son, who went with my wife as she took my picture. It was great to see them there waiting.
After it was over, I felt kind of funny, like the whole thing was kind of anticlimatic - afterall, I had really finished up in December (and because of that, my diploma was in my folder!). But it was over. Some five plus years after beginning my studies part-time with 'Introduction to Pastoral Care', it was finished, over, done. At this point, I want to thank God, and give Him the glory! I was able to do well, and learned so much all because of God's grace and power at work. Now I want to go to the next level, serving God by learning and preparing to teach. Thank you, Lord, for everything!