Monday, July 16, 2007

mid-July already???

Okay, they say the older you get the faster time flies by... this is true, which is to say, you've experienced this for yourself. Time is tick, tick, tickin' away, time's just tickin' away.

There's so much I want to say - er, write. This past week I started my studies in intro to Hebrew - the reading and writing right to left thing is pretty cool for this lefty! - got to see my oldest brother-in-law, Rex (yes, he's 51 jahren!), home on R&R from serving with the U.S. Army on a NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) peace-keeping mission (doesn't that sound kind of paradoxical?) in Kosovo - spent time with my third oldest brother-in-law, Rob, his wife, Sunmi, and their nine children, ranging in age from 20(?) to four(?) - hung out with some friends from Narb Pres I've not seen in a few weeks as part of a birthday party for a woman in our small group. And what else??? There's got to be more... I've continued to read Barth's Church Dogmatics, I/1, as well as Chesterton's Orthodoxy. I'm reminded that I've got to dust off and finish David Well's God in the Wasteland, as well as restore my self-respect and complete Augustine's City of God. A couple of weeks ago, I gave in to the need to read something that was neither for a class, nor about God/Bible/Theology, etc., etc., ad nauseaum - can't remember what it was titled, but it was a Harry Turtledove sci-fi/alternate universe book about Earth being invaded by reptiles known as 'the Race', all during 1942 World War Two. It was interesting, but I have to say, it had the weakest ending - I was disappointed. But the book was entertaining enough. I was going to read Luther's Table Talk, but I decided if I was going to take Hebrew seriously, Luther had to go back to the township library, to be picked back up at a later date.

Regarding blogging, I've had a most interesting time dialoging with someone who read my posts - 'homosexuality is not "gay"'. What was encouraging most was not that I convinced this person that I was right - they did not agree with my position or arguments - rather, it was a good, respectful dialog. While I totally feel and believe that what I understand about this particular issue is both biblically/theologically correct, I definitely don't feel any real responsibility to convince this person of the merits of my argument. In fact, I believe in a sovereign God, who will reveal Himself to whom He chooses. Now, don't read a caveat into what I'm saying. I also believe that each and every believer needs to be ready to give a reason for the truth we hold to. We are not to be milk-toast believers, door-mats eagerly waiting to be stepped on and walked all over. We are to be ready to engage in, and argue in a respectful manner, the realities of the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Most times, either one side or the other (insert any issue or group) lets it get ugly; and when it's the Christians who are getting ugly, it ends up distorting or ruining the message of Jesus. While we are stewards of the divine mystery, we are not the arbiters of truth, justice, and the American way, so to speak. If we have any power, it is purely and only derived from God - it is God's power - and therefore, it is our responsibility to use or wield it as He directs, and never to purposely blow anyone out of the proverbial water. The dialog I shared with my anonymous conversation partner was an encouragement to me to keep on sharing my thoughts, and to make sure I know full-well what I believe and why.

And so, here it is ... mid-July already. And there's so much I want to blog about, and don't have the time... I'm trying to get all the "paper-work" ready for my two master's theses for Palmer, which I will begin research and reading for come the beginning of September. I'll also be again for Dr. Don Brash in his Systematic Theo 1 class - which he has shared will include some more lecturing time. Very happy to hear that! Anyhow... fam is coming from Reno in the last days [of August, that is]. My tour-guide-barbie sister, happy-go-lucky brother-in-law, moody teenage angst-filled nephew, and barbie-wanna-be neice. For a week. Sounds like the recipe!!! Did I mention last days?!?