I don't know what provoked me, but the other day I decided to 'google' MEGO, makers of my favorite childhood toys: 8" superhero action figures, and then the Micronauts. Anyhow, these toys were the essence of my childhood. Sadly, they were completely and (at the time) completely superseded by the explosion known as Star Wars, which just violently overshadowed all things imagination.
What do I like about Captain America? Although he was physically enhanced through receiving the 'Super Soldier' serum, he really had no "Super Powers". Instead, he just had incredible discipline and determination. While we might look at America today and see the good and the bad, and perhaps more bad, Captain America always seemed to stand for all the best parts of America. He was the first major super hero to have a non-white partner - the Falcon - who would go on to have his own comic (though short-lived). Cap was cool, because even though he couldn't fly or shoot lasers out of his eyes, he was cut, and he could beat up an opponent who was twice as strong as he was. And if that wasn't enough, he had this incredible shield that was virtually indestructable, made out of some almalgamated metallic substance that was stronger than even adamantium. And he could use that shield to its full potential. Defensively, he could deflect bullets and shrapnel; as well offensively, he could throw the shield (and it would return like some frisbee on monster steroids!). What is important is that Cap never affiliated himself politically (as far as I know - though there was an issue where he almost ran for President - back in the 1980 race that was eventually won by Ronald Reagan). He always represented what was best about America - he was its ideal hero in the truest sense.
As a kid, I wanted to be him. As an adult, I think I still do. Anyone have any super-soldier serum laying around?