Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's been a long, long time

well, lo and behold... it's been almost three months since I last blogged.

Life has been busy. I'm actually about to graduate from Palmer Theological Seminary. But the catch is that I have to turn in two mini-theses in order to do it. That's where most of my mental energy has been going these last few months.

I'm about 99.9% finished my first one, and about 75% finished my second. Once they're both completed and delivered, I may see how I can post them here for the one person who checks in here to read and critique. I've had a good time reading and writing for them, but I'll be darn glad to finish them and be done.

Part of the reason it's taken so long is that I've tried to work in a way that respects my first and second positions in life as husband and father. All that means is that I've been doing most of my research and writing 9 to 5, Monday through Friday, and pretty much trying to be a part of my family in the evenings and on weekends. I've actually done pretty well at it. I have been again for Dr. Brash's Sys. Theo. 1 class (always excellent - he's the man!), and I've had a couple of opportunities to substitute teach for him and Dr. Keener's Biblical Interp class (that, too, was very excellent). All that's to say that the papers have taken longer because of the way I've gone about writing them, but over all it's been worth it.

Well, we've been having the stomach virus going through our home, and so I'm going to head upstairs and see if my wife wants to end the day together, and pray the night goes well. I'm also praying that I don't get it (but that's a different story).

God bless you, reader!